"You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." Jeremiah 29:13(NIV)

Sharing the mind God gave me through thoughts, wisdom, quests, adventures, revelations, hopes, dreams and more!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

God is up to something...

    Hes back! My life is back to my beautiful normalcy. :) I arrived home Monday evening from work and after not seeing my husband  for 5 whole days I found him relaxing in our bedroom watching football. (one of those things I said i missed about him) We talked and talked, we went out to dinner, and talked some more. I missed that so much! He told me all about his trip to Puerto Rico, and the interesting people he met, the yummy food he ate, and all the hard work he put into his trip.

    Today I want to share with you how God works all things for our good (Romans 8:28) Even though I miss hubby terribly when he is gone, I can appreciate the time he is gone now, its almost like God brings healing into an area of my life every time. God always has a plan to grow, restore, or renew me in a new and different way, every time. it NEVER fails. :) 
  So the first business trip he went on was to North Carolina back in 2010, and the LORD called me into a fast around the same time he was leaving. God had been dealing with me in this one area of my life (which I struggled with since my teenage years on and off) at the time. A few days into my fast I had been feeling  oppression upon me. All around my home I felt afraid, one night in particular I was at home and I'd just finished praying in my room about that fear that was very real and almost tangible in my home. I got up from the floor and seconds later I heard a very loud crash in my living room...I was petrified, so I called my husband.
  From my room it sounded like something had been knocked down. I was very hesitant to check the situation out, because I was alone, and nothing to defend myself with! (for the first time in my life I wished I owned a gun) imagine my fear.... so I'm on the phone with my husband, I slowly open the door to my bedroom, and stepped into my living room slowly, it turns out, my entire shelf above my television decided to fall THAT night, right AFTER I finished praying. For the skeptic, this is just coincidence, but I know it was the enemy wanting to make himself manifest to scare me further. That shelf had been installed a while back, it never gets touched, it just had a couple candles and a floral arrangement from our wedding. That night the enemy was determined to scare me and he did.
    My heart was pounding when I saw what had happened, it made no sense, there was no reason why that shelf fell that night, then the Holy Spirit prompted me to start speaking my authority over this demonic force that was clearly in my home. I started with asking out loud for the help of the Holy Spirit, I rebuked the enemy, by the authority given to me through Jesus Christ, I spoke the blood of Jesus in my home, around my property, and I called the angels that God assigns to protect us to move into position to fight on my behalf. And just to make sure, I prayed for my husband in N.C and my children, who were with their father that night. Then I anointed my home with oil, every door post, every window, every room, and even myself.  Now many of you may never experience seeing actual demonic activity in your life because that is not something God needs you to experience (you can thank him now), but this is something God has gifted/chosen me to experience for HIS glory and the deliverance of many. Here is a little background info:

What is the gift of DISCERNMENT?
In I Corinthians 12:10 it says, “and to another distinguishing between spirits” (NIV) Discernment means to be able to distinguish between right and wrong, good and evil. It is having a logical, judicial ability to think through issues. It is the ability to “discern” whether  a saying, teaching, doctrine, written word, or event is good or evil; true or false; and if the source, meaning or intentions are of God, the person or Satanic deception.  There is an ability to “read between the lines” and get to the truth of an issue. The“gut” tells them when something doesn’t seem to be right. There is an urgency to pray and ask for wisdom.

Source:  http://spiritualgifts.wordpress.com/2007/04/14/do-you-have-the-spiritual-gift-of-discernment/

     So now that we have that cleared up, due to the calling the LORD had placed on my life, I always had a curiosity about spiritual matters, good and evil. Not to mention that there were generational curses in my family that automatically tied me to witchcraft. This was not my first demonic manifestation, I had experienced other situations scarier than this. The enemy came to kill and destroy, and he is the father of lies, and whenever God creates something, he likes to twist things, and that is exactly what he did with my gifts for a long time. I have several family members who were involved in some form of witchcraft or another so naturally, the enemy had territory in my life so I was inclined and exposed to Wicca and other forms of witchcraft prior to serving God. I was well aware that this was another way the enemy was trying to scare me. But God always has a perfect plan for our lives. :)

    God is so wonderful how He plans everything to fall into place for us, my hubby leaving to North Carolina, God prompting me a few days prior to start a fast, falling into a depression for the first 3 days, and on the 3rd night of him being out of town, I went into spiritual warfare (due to incident) with the tools my church, the Word, and the Holy Spirit had taught me, I was able to have that spirit of fear broken off me that same night. For the first time since my husband left to North Carolina, I slept through the night and there was peace in my home.

    As I was entering this blog this afternoon, I met up with hubby to have lunch and he told he is going to the Virgin Islands next month.. haha! I don't know how long or when just yet, but I do know one thing, God is up to something wonderful again.

For now, I'm off to enjoy my time with my wonderful husband. Be Blessed!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

I was looking through old pictures...

Ive been going through old pictures to add pages to my scrapbooks (i have one for each one of my family members) and I found this picture of my mami with her fiancé. She looks so happy here doesn't she? :) I started looking for pictures of just my kids, next thing you know, I've got a pile of pictures for each family member and boxes all around me with thousands more...guess I need to get organized. I blame it on my ADD. :)
That's it for this entry, ill be back once i finish up these new pages on my scrapbook. Be blessed!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

How is the family doing?

This is my  little family. I am such a blessed girl!
    Hi! its been a long while, about a year now since Ive written on this page. I have been browsing some blogs and felt a little inspiration so i decided to come say hello.

    So my hubby has been gone on a business trip to Puerto Rico now for a couple days (lucky guy) and will be returning in a few more days but I am missing him terribly! I miss his scent, his smile, his great big hugs, and other things about him.
I LOVE THIS MAN! He is gorgeous to me. And he plays a mean Saxophone :)

There are many little details I could share today but I dont want to create the really long blog today. (this will be hard for me)

So how is life going?

Things are great, i cannot complain. Hubby bought me a new car a month ago, its my dream car, its black and its sexy :) My son who is about to turn 13 (when did THAT happen?!) is such a great kid, he is too old play soccer or basketball with the other groups so he is now doing volunteer work instead. He started attending the daycare portion of the YMCA when we first arrived to where we currently live when he was just 2 years old. He is now turning 13 and volunteering there. The YMCA has practically raised my child. Aside from that, he just started 7th grade in a new school and has joined band and learning how to play the trombone and in drum line he plays bass drum. He is loving every minute of it, and I am just excited to see what else is in store for him.
Hes so cute, i call him my buddy.

As for my beautiful daughter, she is 7 years old but has an old soul as they say, She is insightful, clever, and did i mention beautiful? I can speak to her about anything and she understands things on a level that makes me want to sit and just watch her live life, its very exciting to me. Today she had her 2nd Soccer game, and I made sure I brought her plenty of snacks and cold water. I was feeling under the weather today but I still made it to her game and caught up with her dad and her. She is my beautiful love (for those of you that dont know, her name means beautiful love) I watched her run, i watched her plan her attack and maneuver that ball to her teammates, and i was very proud. I am just a proud mommy all around, God just blessed me with wonderful children, and its not just me who sees this, others mention how wonderful they are, and i just cant take the credit, its all God. He placed those wonderful little souls in them, i just took his tools and shape the way for them.

i just love that little smile.

Buddy and our baby dog Frida.

     So that's whats happening with my family, it doesn't seem like a lot is going on, but there are so many little lessons going on daily, from getting up with the right attitude, to managing our time, spending quality time with one another, hearing and doing Gods will to love one another (this can be harder than it seems sometimes...) to budgets and grocery shopping. I'm thankful for all the little things in my life and the biggest ones being my little family. The busier you are the quicker the time goes by, but i wouldn't have it any other way.  I'm thankful for it all! :)
     So whats next? Well, today starts my favorite season for starters! Fall is FINALLY here, and that means I can start baking all kinds of yummy cakes, brownies, and muffins, yummy!
It also means i can start decorating my home with fall items, ill have to start planning costumes, buying pumpkins, I can start pulling our winter clothes and start putting away the summer clothing (although who am I kidding, i live in Florida, i doubt its going to get cold tomorrow...haha)  Ill be back and share next time. Be blessed!